How does it work?
Sailing On members can learn sailing and boat maintenance skills, make new friends and even take part in competition sailing, with all boats and equipment provided.
Sail any time. The yachts will be available for members to sail free of all charges and costs. You can learn the basics of sailing or take your skills to the next level.
For those who prefer to stay on dry land, there are plenty of opportunities to assist with repairing the boats and getting them in shape for sailing, learning new skills like boat maintenance, fibre glassing and rigging.
What will I learn?
As well as teaching you new skills to maintain and repair boats, like rigging and fibre glassing, we also run formal sailing courses. All members who wish to sail will first learn how to crew yachts. From there, if you’d like to learn more, you can undertake the Level 1 Yachting Certificate, get your Australian Sailing Number and your Skippers Ticket or even progress to open ocean training and racing.
For beginners, we sail on the river or harbour and only progress to the ocean when you’re ready and have the appropriate skills and experience. For people with previous experience sailing, the Boson will be available to assess your level of capability. Only approved people will skipper our yachts. For those willing to give it a try, we will be entering a Sailing On team in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.
Optional courses such as yachting competition rules and radio procedure will also be available.
How do I get involved?
We welcome all current and ex-serving ADF members. Simply click below to complete an application and we will get back to you with your membership number and welcome details.
Cost: $65 per year
Basic crewing course
Basic boat maintenance training
All safety equipment
Free sailing any time on Sailing On’s boats
Additional optional training, inluding
Level 1 Yachting
Skippers ticket
Open ocean sailing